The Effects of Integrating Technology on Students’ Conceptual and Procedural Understandings in Integral Calculus
- Tuan Salwani Awang
- Effandi Zakaria
This paper discusses the effects of using two different learning approaches to students’ understanding ofintegral calculus. Experimental and control groups were formed at random to participate in this research. Each group was divided into three sub groups which are low ability, medium ability and high ability groups. The formation of these subgroups was done according to their marks in an integral calculus pre-test given to them prior to the lessons. In general, students in the experimental group outperformed their peers in the control group in terms of their grasp of both conceptual and procedural understandings of integral calculus. By using mathematical software in learning integral calculus, the medium ability and the high ability students in the experimental group progressed better than the low ability students. On the contrary, in the control group, the maximum percentages of improvement in both conceptual and procedural understandings were from the low ability group. Since the main objective of integrating technology in the learning of integral calculus is to enhance every student’s understanding, a better implementation strategy needs to be drafted in the future. One possible way is to expand the usage of the technology in other calculus topics.