Effects of Cooperative Learning on Achievement Motivation of Female University Students

  •  Min Wang    


This study aims to: 1) describe the effects of cooperative learning (CL ) on achievement motivation of female college students, and 2) compare the difference in the achievement motivation between the female college students learning through cooperative learning and those learning through the traditional learning pattern. In this study , an intervention program was devised as part of a new learning style to encourage the performance of physical education and achievement motivation in which students (mean age =21.2years, N= 67) were invited to participate as part of physical classes. The questionnaire were completed as pre-test at the beginning of the intervention for overall the treated and control groups and as post-tests at the end of week twelve. T test measures were used to examine whether there were significant differences of achievement motivation within the two groups. The results showed that the cooperative learning classes to improve the achievement motivation among the female college students.

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