Recreational Program and Its Association with Job Satisfaction
- Fadzilah Akmal
- Fakhrul Anwar Zainol
- Maslina Mansor
- Zaharah Ghazali
This article conceptually discussed recreational program, job satisfaction, and the relationship between both of them, the importance of recreational program and leisure satisfaction. Hence, it is essential to the organization to ensure; “does the recreational program contribute to job satisfaction?”, “Does the recreational program could achieve organizational objectives?” and “what will be the contributions of running these programs?” The discussion indicates that recreational programs are known in a wide variety of forms of programs, and many published reported on the job satisfaction and recreational programs. Besides that, many fields of studies have been carried out primarily in health industries; however, lack of studies in services industries. The positive linkage of recreational and job satisfaction, and recreational and leisure satisfaction need to be proven in future research.