Staff Rationalisation in Public Sector: A Case Study of Nigerian Postal Service Nipost Sokoto Territory
- Anwar Ali Shah G. Syed
- Noman Abid Lakhani
- Lawal Muhammad Anka
- F. M. Shaikh
The study examined the view of junior and senior staff of NIPOST regarding staff rationalisation in public service with special reference to Sokoto territory. To achieve this, the study examined the criteria and reason for staff rationalisation, identifies the category of people involved in the exercise, investigates whether staff rationalisation has instilled discipline and brought about efficiency and effectiveness in the organisation. This research is based on information obtained from available records, personal observation and interview conducted. The major conclusion drawn from this paper was the main reason for staff rationalisation is to cut down expenses and reduce redundancy of staff to source for money and to prepare the organisation towards commercialisation. Survey results revealed that 70% of the respondents are of the view that there is improvement in the postal services in areas of delivery of mails by postmen. While 30% agreed that there was no improvement. Available records have shown that 65 junior staff from Sokoto Territory lost their jobs either through retrenchment or dismissal, about 10 senior staff lost their jobs in the same form of termination. Senior Officers in managerial cadre are not affected in the exercise. Most of the respondents believe that there was politics in the whole exercise. Finally, efficiency and effectiveness have not been achieved in NIPOST Sokoto Territory because rationalisation was not properly carried out. Null hypothesis H0 it is accepted and alternate hypothesis HA is rejected.