Program Management Model for Health Behavioral Modification in Metabolic Risk of Public Hospitals, Bangkok
This action research is aimed to investigate the success of the program management for health behavioral modification (HBM) in Metabolic Syndrome (MS) of public hospitals in Bangkok which was granted by the 13th district of National Health Security Office (NHSO), Thailand, for the total of 13 projects. The research process was divided into 3 phases as preparation, monitoring and conclusion phase. Data collection was done in the mid and at the end of the project through a 4-scale questionnaire and biomedical measurement. The project participants were project managers and their supervisors as 30 persons in each group, 120 hospital clients and 3,579 voluntary participants found to be at risk in MS. The research found that 1) the program management model was run completely from the beginning of training course for project managers and his staffs aimed to improve their potentiality in behavior modification based on “3-Self” according to PROMISE Model. Project monitoring was completed by providing at least 5 participation meetings through the project and knowledge sharing among projects 2) During the process of the project, it was found that attitude of clients, project managers and their supervisors towards CIPP Model were at excellent level (Mean = 3.43-3.56) and 3) after the project, it was found that the clients were better in 3 dimensions of health behaviors as increasing of self-efficacy, self-regulation and self-care (p<.05) though decreased in stress level, BMI, weight, waistline, blood pressure, Fasting Blood Sugar, HbA1c Triglyceride and cholesterol (p<.05). Finding from interview revealed that success factors of the program included potentiality of teamwork, cooperation of participants, met-needs activities and the obstacles were less staffs in the project and diversity characteristics of the participants.