Motivation as a Tool for Effective Staff Productivity in the Public Sector: A Case Study of Raw Materials Research and Development Council of Nigeria
- Anwar Ali Shah G. Syed
- Lawal Muhammad Anka
- Muhammad Bachal Jamali
- F. M. Shaikh
The study examined the views of junior and senior staff of Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC), Nigeria concerning motivation as a tool for enhancing productivity. To achieve this, the study examined how employees could be motivated so as to achieve desired objectives. The research is based on information obtained from available records, personal observation and interview conducted. The major conclusions drawn from this research were survey results revealed that 26 (39.3%) of the respondents are satisfied with their jobs, while majority of them 40 (50.6%) are not satisfied with their jobs. Respondents opinion regarding mode of promotion in the organisation revealed that 44 (66.6%) are satisfied while 20 (30.3%) are not satisfied with the entire process. Perception of respondents in relation to what actually motivate them to do their best to enhance productivity the results conclude that 20 (30.3%) prefer job security, 16 (24.2%) accepted in service training while 12 (18.1%) and 18 (27.2) prefer improved salary and promotion as factors that can motivate employees to perform their duties. Finally, the above results conclude that the Management of RMRDC did not motivate its staff to achieve productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore Null Hypotheses Ho is accepted and Alternate Hypotheses HA is rejected. It is recommended that appropriate managerial actions must therefore be taken by the organisation that is motivation of the workforce.