The Evaluation of the Degree of Applying Risk Management Behaviors among Sports Councils in East of Iran
- Mohammad Ehsani
- Korosh Veisi
The aim of this study is to determine the degree of applying risk management behaviors among managers and directors of sports councils in Khorasan province which is located in the east of Iran. The method was descriptive-analytic, and conducted on all the managers and directors of sports councils. The samples was included 126 managers and directors of sports councils in Khorasan who had been working in the East area (Khorasan). The questionnaire (risk management, Aeron. 2004) was used and Cronbach Alpha was .87 which was satisfactory. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Kruskal Wallis H, Kendall & Pearson), have been used in data analysis. The findings of the research showed that there isn’t any meaningful relationship between levels of education, the employment status, coaching status and risk management behaviors, while there was meaningful relationship between field of education)p? 0.006), coaching experience(p?0.033, r=0.185), managing experience(p?0.001, r= 0.260) and risk management behaviors. As a whole we can say that the level of performance of risk management behaviors among the sports councils in Kuhorsan province has a desirable condition. It was also found that staff directors performed risk management behaviors better than line directors.