Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Education: Issues in the Case of York University in Canada
Educating for a more sustainable future in its broadest sense includes improving quality basic education, reorienting education to address sustainability, improving public awareness, and providing training to many sectors of society. This article mainly considers one aspect of education---teacher education (TE) --- especially the role of institutions of teacher education in reorienting teacher education to address sustainability. The key role of teacher education for the initiative is recognized in the implementation strategy, and a notable education programme to support ESD, but the challenges for teacher education in responding to calls for priortising and implementing ESD are considerable. The present paper draws upon recent research to examine these issues in the case of York University, with a particular focus on national, provincial and community involvement in a policy context, change within institutions of higher education, funding and resources, research and partnerships and information technology opportunities advocating various approaches to TE.