Human Resource Management and SMEs Business Growth in Pakistan
- Nadeem Bhatti
- Anwar Ali Shah G. Syed
- Syed Munir Shah
- Faiz. M. Shaikh
This research investigates. Data were collected from 100 respondents from 30 organizations by using simple random technique. A structural questionnaire was developed to get reliability of the Data. Data were analyzed by using SPSS-18 version. It was revealed that SMEs are the major source of foreign exchange earnings, SMEs have a major contribution in Pakistan’s GDP, A known feature of SME sector is its ability to create jobs, SMEs maintain the poverty alleviation activities through creating employment, SMEs assist in fostering a self-help and entrepreneurial culture, SMEs boost up an entrepreneurial strength which puts forward flexibility in the economy, SMEs are more capable in resource allocation as compared to large scale industries, SMEs in general consider employees as their most important resources, SMEs are pioneer in developing new products and services and finally SMEs are in general very quality minded in the products and services they provide.