Homogeneity of Vaules and National Ntergration in Nigeria Education: The Need for Reform
- Tuemi T. Asuka
- Igwesi B. N.
This paper explored the possibility of value consensus in Nigeria to enhance national unity and solidarity. It pointed out the multicultural and multilingual nature of the Nigeria society as part the problem of value heterogeneity. The existence of a state of heterogeneity of values all over the country was highlighted. This was posited as a factor in the lack of patriotism, nationalism and statehood as well as disunity in Nigeria. In order to promote and inculcate value consensus in children, youths, and adults in Nigeria, the need for a National conference on reforms of moral values and moral education was suggested. It was however, pointed out that the teacher and school will be major stakeholders in the implementation of the curriculum reforms. It was therefore, suggested that the schools must be made conducive for this role while the teacher must be re-breaded to regain his lost glory.