The Impact of Father's Addiction on His Supportive and Economic Role in the Family and Social Relations and Socialization of the Family Members: The Case of Shiraz, Iran
- Hassan Rahgozar
- Ali Mohammadi
- Soqra Yousefi
- Pegah Piran
Father as one of the elements that affect family relationships plays a fundamental role in the family interactions. So that his addiction could lead in disruptions in relations with his wife and children, disruptions in the family's social relations and non-regulated situation of the family. The aim of this research is to study the effect of father's addiction on family social relations and socialization and his economic and supportive role in the family. The research method is causative - comparative and the statistical population includes families of addicted fathers (with a background of over 5 years of drug abuse with above 7-year-old children) and also families of non-addicted fathers in the city of Shiraz. By stratified sampling, a number of 120 families were selected as samples and the following results were obtained: father's addiction: 1). Will affect negatively the socialization of children. 2). Will negatively affect the social relationships of family members. 3). Will disrupt the family's economic status. 4). Will decrease the father's supportive role in the family.