Analysis of Parents, Teachers and Students’ Perception of Teaching Profession in South-West Nigeria
This study investigated the perception of the teaching profession among the parents, teachers and secondary school students in Southwestern Nigeria. Four null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level. Three potent instruments: Teacher perception of Teaching Profession Questionnaire (TPTPQ), Parent Perception of Teaching Profession Questionnaire (PPTPQ) and Students Perceptions of Teaching Profession (SPTPQ), were validated by the Department of teacher Education for content and construct validity. The test retest reliability coefficient yielded the reliability indices of 0.85, 0.81 and 0.79 respectively. The instruments were administered on 170 sample size: (50) parents, (60) teachers and (60) students. Inferential statistics of t-test and Analysis of Variance at 0.05 level of significance were used to test the hypotheses. The result revealed that there is significant differences in the way the participants perceive teaching profession (N=60 X=2.047, SD=1.137), (N=60 X=1.943, SD=1.007) and parents (N=50, X=1.698, SD = 0.661). It is recommended among other things that government should take the training and retraining of teachers more seriously.