Sang-tarash: the Legendry Master Sculptors of the Ancient Buddhist Sculptural Art of Gandhara in Taxila
The main objective of this paper is to get various stakeholders acquainted with the immaculate work of [re] production of Buddhist Sculptural Art of Gandhara in Taxila, by master sculptor [s] using genuine stones and centuries old techniques. The paper reviews the [re] production process as practiced at present by the master sculptors in their workshops. The article analyses the major obstacles in open marketing of these exquisite pieces of Buddhist stone art. The findings are based on ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth interviews of master sculptor [s] in Taxila, in particular in village Pathrian (pseudonym). Current analysis is carried out in the backdrop of various socio-religious and legal impediments obstructing the promotion and very survival of this ancient art form. Based on findings the study proposes some viable solutions to preserve and promote this dying art from total extinction.