The Extent of Applying Citizenship Values Among Jordan Universities Students
The study aimed at recognizing the degree of the teaching staff members in Irbid National University employment of citizenship values in teaching from the point of view of students, and also specify if there are differences with statistical significance ascribed to the variables of the study, they are: sex (male & female) and type of the faculty (human and scientific). To achieve the study's objectives, both researchers applied the descriptive-analytical method, employing a questionnaire prepared by both researchers. The instrument of study covered (21) items, they had been distributed after assuring procedures of validity and reliability on a class on a random class sample, its component is (512) male and female students from the community of study amounting to (2592) during the second semester of the studying year (2017-2018). The most prominent results were that the teaching staff member's citizenship values came at a medium degree through the teaching process. Also, differences with statistical significance did not appear ascribed to both variables of sex (male & female) and the faculty (human & scientific). And in light of results, the researchers recommend the University Administration entrust the subject of citizenship greater importance and bid the professors to evaluate those values and enhance them in cultural and academic domains and activities, through the different plans of the studying subjects.