Education Activities to Realize Green Campus
- Hilma Tamiami Fachrudin
- Khaira Amalia Fachrudin
- Wahyu Utami
The application of green concepts on campus starts from the formulation of the vision and mission, ratification of policies and development processes. The main problems in the effort to realize a green campus include a lack of involvement and individual awareness of sustainability issues and campus users are unaware of the sustainability that occurs on campus. Individual awareness and involvement of staff and students are needed to create a green campus. The purpose of this study was to analyze what educational activities should be carried out to increase awareness of realizing a green campus. There are several educational activities regarding green concepts aimed to campus users. Education activities such as courses on sustainable environment, research, seminars, student organizations in environmental activities, green campus promotions/campaign and paperless became independent variables in this study. This study uses quantitative methods with Factor analysis. The research was conducted at the Universitas Sumatera Utara. Data was collected by distributing questionnaire forms with respondents as many as 400 students. The results showed that education, practical and seminar activities about the importance of green concepts, green campus campaigns, and green applications on campus such as paperless needed to be done in raising awareness to realize a green campus.