Comparison on Global Mindset of International and National High School Students
- Johannes N. Zakaria
- Hana Panggabean
The role of Global Mindset for individual’s qualities which enable leaders to influence people and organizations from different cultures is evidently important for leadership effectiveness in diversity contexts. While leadership is considered as one of the key competences to predict organizational excellence, its developmental process can start from a young age. Therefore, it is important to develop Global Mindset for young people. However, studies on global mindset in educational context are rare to find in comparison to that in organizational context. Indonesian educational system has been enriched with schools which are characterized by globally oriented education system known as SPK (Collaborative Education Unit) since the last decade. The objective of this study is to compare global mindset level of high school students from international school (SPK) and national school (SPN-National Education Unit) in Greater Jakarta area. A global mindset scale was delivered to 132 students (N SPK = 59; SPN= 73). The independent sample t-test statistic was used and a significant difference of Global Mindset level between SPK and SPN students was found. The score of SPK Students is consistently higher than SPN students, both in general and dimensional levels. While presenting the Global Mindset profiles of both educational contexts, predetermining factors are discussed; in addition, recommendations about school curriculum and atmosphere to develop students’ Global Mindset are provided.