Analyzing the Nexus of Social Sustainability with Hierarchical Modification and Agency Viability among Commissioned Military Intelligence Operatives of Defense Intelligence Agency
This paper substantiates the nexus of social sustainability with hierarchical modification and agency viability among commissioned military intelligence operatives of Defense Intelligence Agency. A descriptive study subsequent with a correlation configuration was utilized to determine the objective of this study. The statistical population was mostly commissioned military intelligence operatives of Nigerian Defense Intelligence Agency and a sample size of 300 commissioned military intelligence operatives; two hundred and forty two (242) men and fifty eight (58) women were arbitrarily picked utilizing the stratified random sampling methods. The data accumulation instruments were Social Sustainability Questionnaire, Standard Military Hierarchical Improvement Scale and Agency viability survey using Parsons’ Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, Latency module (AGIL). Accordingly, the one-sample t-test data, Pearson correlation coefficient, linear regression analysis, F-test and independent t-test were applied to assess the data. The outcome of this study suggested that the contingency of social sustainability, hierarchical modification and Agency viability among commissioned military Intelligence operatives were highly significant and in demand. Additionally, social sustainability and hierarchical modification were altogether and emphatically related and social sustainability was essentially associated with subscales of Agency viability. Furthermore, social sustainability could predict 1.6% of the conflict in hierarchical modification and 2.9% of contradictions in Agency viability.