An experimental result coming from Neutrino research gives for all particles the ratio (si /mi) defined by Quantum Inertial theory in conjunction with the Micro-quanta paradigm

  •  Maurizio Michelini    


Rejecting some old misconceptions (such as the “pulling” gravitation that ravaged classical physics) the Inertial-Gravitational theory supported by the Micro-quanta paradigm incorporates both the relativistic concepts of Mass - Momentum - Energy and the quantic Inertial Model of the particle mass. The flux of micro-quanta supports primarily the physical interaction that generates the Inertial forces defined by Newton. Scholars believing that Inertial forces originate from the properties of the empty space, do not pertain to the community of physicists believing on Newton’s Inertial Law. This great ancient physicist admitted he was unable to explicit the physical nature of his Law of Inertia (“Hypotheses non fingo”). However, marking the difference between “empty” and “absolute” space, he remained in his conviction that some unknown physical reality originates (in the absolute space) the inertial forces upon accelerated masses. At present, Micro-quanta paradigm describes the quantic objects that generate through collisions the physical inertial forces on particles. Since the flux of micro-quanta fills all space, there is no need to refer these collisions to some external System of reference. The relative velocity between quanta and particles comes out from the momentum that micro-quanta confer to particles. By this reason the Micro-quanta paradigm defines on pure dynamical bases the relativistic formalism that Special relativity derived from kinematics, so creating flaws that produced the well known paradoxes. To reveal the micro-quanta it's not necessary to devise particular experiments. The technique of the accelerometers has given many evidences of the physical reality guessed by Newton to explain inertial forces exerted on masses. Since the action of micro-quanta is always manifested in statistical terms, classical and relativistic physics allowed to describe Inertia and Gravitation without knowing the quantic nature of these phenomena. The micro-quanta Paradigm shows in particular the proportionality between cross section and mass (ratio Au) of all particles colliding with micro-quanta. To the aim of calculating the transmission across matter of micro-quanta and neutrinos (which show the same nature) the only unknown quantity is the numerical value of the ratio Au. Recalling that micro-quanta flux fills all space, it appears also interesting to search about neutrino collisions with micro-quanta flux as possible cause of the oscillations phenomena that occur during neutrino travels across the (so called) astronomic “empty” space. A quantitative indication on the ratio Ao is found in this paper from an experimental measurement of the solar neutrino flux interacting with the Earth mass in the course of the Borexino research carried out at Gran Sasso National Laboratory.

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  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9639
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9647
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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