The Nature of Time

  •  Sydney Self    


I.    Special relativity does not address the fact that time must exist on lifeless worlds. It only addresses time that is observed, which requires that observers be present.

II.    The time that exists on lifeless worlds can be termed physical time.

III.    The failure to recognize the existence of physical time has resulted in a view of time that is contrived, overly simplistic and contains irrational conclusions which are not experimentally supported.

IV.    On worlds where conscious life exists, both physical time and observed time exist. The characteristics of physical time and of observed time are very different.

V.    Physical time has the following attributes:
a.    Each physical event is associated with physical time.
b.    The attributes of absolute time, ‘now’ and time dilation are associated with every physical event.
c.    All physical events occur during ‘now’.
d.    A physical event results in a change to physical reality.
e.    The frame of reference associated with a physical event is universal.
f.    In order to be observed, a physical event must have an associated observed event.

VI.    Observed time has the following attributes.
a.    Every observed event is associated with observed time.
b.    An observed event can only occur as the result of a physical event.
c.    Multiple observations can be associated with a single physical event.
d.    The attribute of ‘now’ and a frame of reference are associated with every observed event.

VII.    The duration of physical ‘now’ is a Planck time which is also the unit of measure for absolute time and time dilation.

VIII.    Time dilation is computed using the Lorentz transformation.
IX.    The statement regarding time dilation “When two observers are in relative uniform motion and uninfluenced by any gravitational mass, the point of view of each will be that the other's (moving) clock is ticking at a slower rate than the local clock” is mathematically, experimentally and logically wrong.
X.    During physical ‘now’ a particle may move through space or it may move through time; which it does is a probability based on the speed of the particle expressed as a percentage of the speed of light.

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  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9639
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9647
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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