Thought Experiment Revealing a Contradiction in the Special Theory of Relativity

  •  Koshun Suto    


In the thought experiment in this paper, we considered inertial frames M and A moving at a constant velocity relative to each other. A light signal emitted from inertial frame A, when time of a clock in inertial frame A was 1(s), arrived at inertial frame M when time of a clock in inertial frame M was 2(s). In this paper, the time in inertial frame A when the time in inertial frame M was 2(s) was predicted by observers in inertial frames M and A by applying the special theory of relativity (STR). Predictions of the two observers did not match. Einstein regarded all inertial frames as equivalent, but there are cases where a velocity vector is attached to some inertial frame. Einstein overlooked this fact, and thus a discrepancy appeared in the values predicted by the two observers. It is not the case that all inertial frames are equivalent. This paper concludes that the STR is a theory incorporating a contradiction which must be corrected.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9639
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9647
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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Google-based Impact Factor (2017): 3.90
h-index (November 2017): 17
i10-index (November 2017): 33
h5-index (November 2017): 12
h5-median (November 2017): 19

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