Previously Unknown Ultra-low Energy Level of the Hydrogen Atom Whose Existence can be Predicted
- Koshun Suto
This paper theoretically predicts that if the energy level of the hydrogen atom is expressed classically as E_n=-a^2m_ec^2/2n^2, then the energy level E_n=-2m_ec^2+a^2m_ec^2/2n^2 exists in the hydrogen atom. Triplet production is an experiment which strongly supports the existence of an electron at this extremely low energy level. However, an interpretation different from the conventional interpretation is needed in order to regard triplet production as evidence for the prediction in this paper. If an electron can exist at an unknown energy level, then it can be predicted that hydrogen atoms in this state will be a strong candidate for dark matter.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/apr.v6n6p64
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