The Electron Spin as Resulting From the Ether Elasticity

  •  David Zareski    


We recall how the Maxwell equations ensue from the Navier-Stokes-Durand equation of elasticity that governs the field of the displacements  of the points of the ether shown to be an elastic medium. Such a field  can be constituted by waves propagated in this ether. In previous papers we have generalized the waves  associated to photons to waves  associated to , (i.e., particles of mass m and electrical charges e), and demonstrated that a moving , as, e.g., an electron is a superposition  of waves  that forms a small globule moving with the velocity V of this . That is to say that a moving particle is a moving small globule  of ether deformation. Now in its motion,  creates out side of it, a field  of ether deformation from witch ensues the electromagnetic field created by . The induced field  being denoted without ambiguity also simply by , it appears, as shown here below, that the magnetic field H ensuing from , is the field of the local velocities  of the points of the ether, i.e., . The fundamental fact that we demonstrate, is that on a fixed observatory point  near at a given instant to the moving electron, i.e., to the moving , the velocity of the ether denoted there by  is of the same form as the velocity of a point of a rotating solid. This phenomenon is the spin of the electron, that, in a quantum state of an atom can take only quantized values.

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  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9639
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9647
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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