Experimental Verification and Analysis of the Postulate of Relativity in Relativity Theory

  •  Zhonggang Li    


According to the postulate of relativity in relativity theory, a flash emits from the light source in a uniformly moving car and returns to the light source after being reflected by the mirror on the roof. The person inside the car thinks that the flash returns to the light source along a vertical line, and the person outside the car thinks that the flash returns to the light source along a curve. The time taken along the two paths is inconsistent. Now, this experiment has proved, the interpretation of the postulate of relativity on light traveling paths is inconsistent with the facts. The light is not affected by any inertial framem, and will not move with the car. Light does not belong to any inertial reference frame, nor affected by any inertial reference frame. Light is different from objects. In the absence of experimental evidence, relativity theory believed that light in the inertial frame obeys Galileo's principle of relativity, which is imprudent and wrong. The laws Galileo summarized in low-velocity macroscopic state do not apply to light. This experiment proves that light travels behind the inertial frame and does not move with the inertial frame. That is, the spatial position where the light is or light travels through is the stationary reference point for the inertial frame.

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  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9639
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9647
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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