Mass-velocity Formula and Mass-energy Relation Cannot Be Derived Based on Lorentz Velocity Transformation

  •  Xiaochun Mei    
  •  Canlun Yuan    


The most important achievement of the Einstein's special relativity was to derive the mass-velocity formula and the famous mass-energy relation from the Lorentz velocity transformation formula. Based on the mass-velocity formula, the dynamics of special relativity was established. In this paper, six derivation methods of the mass-velocity formula in special relativity are re-analyzed, including the elastic collision and the inelastic collision of two particles, the particle splitting processes, and the force moment balance methods based on the Lorentz velocity transformation formula, as well as the method to consider the symmetry principle without using the Lorentz transformation formula. It is pointed out that all of them have serious problems so that they cannot hold actually. Besides, it is pointed out that the method of Hamiltonian action to derive the mass-velocity has nothing to do with the Lorentz velocity transformation and does not belong to the category of special relativity. Therefore, the conclusion of this paper is that it is impossible to derive the mass-velocity formula and the mass-energy relation based on the Lorentz velocity transformation formula. The mass-velocity formula can only be considered as an empirical formula which cannot be derived in theory and have nothing to do with special relativity. If the mass-velocity formula and the mass-energy relationship are correct, it just means that Einstein's special relativity is not true.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9639
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9647
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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