Concatenative Synthesis of Persian Language Based on Word, Diphone and Triphone Databases

  •  Iman Rasekh    
  •  Reza Javidan    



In this paper a Persian text-to-speech system based on concatenative speech synthesis approach is proposed. Nowadays, concatenative method is used in most modern TTS systems to produce artificial speech. Choosing an appropriate unit for creating a database is the major challenge in this method. In the proposed method, such database is created with different sizes of speech units and is used to produce speak utterances which include words, diphones and triphones. Moreover, a dictionary of 600 common Persian words is built. The smaller speech units (diphones and triphones) is used for synthesis. They are chosen to achieve unlimited vocabulary of speech, while the word units are used for synthesizing limited set of sentences. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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