Identify and Rank the Barriers to Technology Transfer - Analytic Hierarchy Process

  •  Mansour Forouhar    
  •  Mehdi Forouhar    
  •  Saeed Gholami    
  •  Omid Arghish    


Transfer of technology as an inevitable necessity has been interested by scientific directors and executive directors in the past two decades. Obstacles facing this transition in modern countries (developed) in the countries such as Iran is considered significantly. This study is a descriptive survey, and applied in term of purpose. The purpose of this study is to identify and rank the barriers to transfer technology in Iran.

Mentioned study uses literature research and expert opinions gathered through interviews and questionnaires, to identify high-impact barriers and has prioritized the major obstacles to transfer technology through the use of hierarchical analysis. The results show that technical, human, organizational information barriers were the most important barriers to transfer technology in Iran and technical barriers, in the infrastructure; in human barrier, managerial skills, the obstacle information, cost information and ultimately organizational barriers, have created the challenges.

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