Strength and Setting Times of Low Calcium Fly Ash-based Geopolymer Mortar

  •  Djwantoro Hardjito    
  •  Chua Cheak    
  •  Carrie Lee Ing    


Geopolymer is a novel binding material produced from the reaction of fly ash with an alkaline solution. In Geopolymer mortar, Portland cement is not utilized at all. In this research, the influence of various parameters on the short term engineering properties of fresh and hardened low-calcium fly ash-based Geopolymer mortar were studied. Tests were carried out on 50 x 50 x 50mm cube Geopolymer mortar specimens. The test results revealed that as the concentration of alkaline activator increases, the compressive strength of Geopolymer mortar also increases. Specimens cured at temperature of 65oC for 1 day showed the highest 28 days compressive strength. The mass ratio of activator/fly ash of 0.4 produced the highest 28 days compressive strength for the specimen. The obtained compressive strength was in the range of 1.6MPa – 20MPa.

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