Beacon-Based Non-Delay Tolerant Routing Protocols for VANET: A Systematic Comparison

  •  Mahmoud Ali Al Shugran    


A Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a sort of wireless ad hoc network which are used to provide communications between nodes. The frequent topology change is considered a unique feature of VANET nature due to the high movement of its participating vehicles. Thus, the design of a routing protocol that could cope with VANET characteristics is very challenging. Position-based routing protocols are the most suitable approaches for VANET. In this paper researcher broadly discussed Beacon-based Non-Delay Tolerant Geographical-based routing protocols for VANET. The main concern is to discuss the characteristics disadvantages of those protocols. Finally, several research directions relevant to the focus of this survey are identified that define preferred features of the appropriate routing protocol that can cope with VANET challenges.

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