Positivities of Globalization in the Domain of Developing the Human Resources

  •  Hamzeh Ismaeil Ibrahim Abu Shari’ah    


This study aimed at clearing what globalization left of positive effects in the domain of human resources, the study had been performed on the hypothesis meaning: (that there is a correlating relationship with a positive dimension between the globalization and the human resources manifest in one of them increase of awareness and improving performance), but the problem of the study had possessed an axis in the following questions: (What are the positive effects of globalization in the domain of human resources?), to be asserted of the hypothesis correctness and answering its axial question, so we had employed the analytical descriptive method. The study had deduced the correctness of the hypothesis, and made us reach numerous results, the most significant of them: is that globalization observed rights of the human resources and protected them from violations, shared in increasing awareness of the human resources in plenty of things which were absent from them, also pushed the governments to concern and promote with performing the human resources, and these results obliged numerous recommendations, the most significant of them: necessity of the states doing the enlargement of positivisms of globalization in the domain of human resources, and belittling their negativisms through studied programs.

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