Level of Applying the Transformational Leadership by Principals of Secondary Schools and its Impact on Teachers’ Empowerment: an Empirical Study on Public Secondary Schools at Muaqqar & Al-Jeeza Educational Region in Jordan

  •  Saud Al-Khreisha    


The study aimed at investigating the level of applying transformational leadership pattern by Secondary School principals at Muaqqar & Al-Jeeza educational region and the effect of this on empowering teachers and enabling them to perform their educational message. A questionnaire was designed and distributed on a simple random sample consisted of (340) of the Secondary school principals or teachers at Al-Muaqqar & Al-Jeeza educational regions. A number of 315 questionnaires have been returned back at a response rate of 92%.64. Statistical analysis was carried out using the program of statistical package for social sciences SPSS. After conducting analysis and testing of hypothesis, the study an accepted level of applying transformational leadership among high school principals in the studied region. The study also revealed a statistically significant effect of this leadership pattern on the empowerment of teachers at these schools.

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