Effect of Genotype and Periodic Pruning on Storage Root Yield and Yield Components of Some Cassava Genotypes Under Rain-Fed Conditions In Ghana
- J. Adjebeng-Danqua
- O. Safo-Kantanka
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is cultivated primarily for its starchy roots which provide a staple for millions of people in the tropics. The foliage contains high levels of protein which can be harvested for human and animal feed. Twenty five cassava genotypes were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications to investigate their tolerance to periodic pruning with respect to effect on root yield and yield components. The cassava plants were periodically pruned starting from three months after planting and at three months intervals until root harvest at 12 months after planting. Storage root yields ranged between 8.3 – 26.2 t/ha and 28.9–85.5 t/ha for the pruned plants and the control respectively. The pruned plants produced average root yield of 14.7 t/ha compared with 51.5 t/ha from the control. Though periodic pruning resulted in significant reduction in all components measured, genetic variations were observed in the level of reduction. Observed root yield reduction ranged between 40–80%. Five genotypes; 96/1642, Afisiafi, Esambankye, Agbelifia and Bankyehemaa, recorded storage root yield reduction of less than 50% of their respective controls. Starch content and mean storage root weight were also significantly reduced by periodic pruning. The significant genetic variations in the reduction of these traits indicated different levels of tolerance which can be exploited in further studies to identify ideal cassava genotypes for dual purpose utilization for foliage and root production.
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- DOI:10.5539/jps.v4n2p1
- Joan LeeEditorial Assistant
- jps@ccsenet.org