The Procedural Rules of the Court of Arbitration for Sport
- Mohamad Reza Davanloo
The court of arbitration for sport is currently one of the main actors in the world of international sports. The court, established in 1984 by Juan Antonio Samaranch; the former president of the international Olympic committee, tries to settle the disputes arising in international sports in a specialized and efficient way through taking into account both rights and obligations of athletes and sports bodies. One of the most important success factors of the court is its procedural rules and regulations. These rules of the court are inserted in the code of arbitration for sport. The code created by the International Council of Arbitration for Sport tries to settle the sport related disputes in the best possible way to meet rights of the parties. In this procedure that is revised several times, core and fundamental legal principles such as process and procedural fairness are considered. Considering the significance of procedural rules in providing justice for parties in a dispute, this study is aimed in studying the different aspects of procedural rules of the court of arbitration for sports.- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/jpl.v10n4p156
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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