Public and Private Ownership in the Iranian Constitution: Principle 44, A Barrier for Development
- Ahmad Torabi
The Iranian legislator has sought to protect public property and public ownership in the Iranian Constitution in accordance with Islamic principles, terms and procedures. There are a number of principles that have been directly applied to this purpose; however, one principle has had a very significant impact on government domination of the economy of Iran: principle 44. This principle does not directly describe public property; rather, it aims to determine the areas that are under public ownership and are administered by the government. However, the principle has some contradictions and legal challenges in itself. In addition, the supplementary law that has been enacted to provide the areas for the enforcement of principle 44 fails to secure the aims of the legislator. Therefore, this paper analyses legal challenges of the principle, as well as its supplementary law, and gives suggestions to solve the challenges.
This paper is divided into four sections. The first section provides an analysis of the principle itself, and its relationship and consistency with other principles of the constitution. In the second section, the Law of Implementation of Principle 44 and the legal challenges that arise from it will be discussed. The third section focuses on the negative economic impacts of this law, as well as case studies of it. Lastly, the paper provides a summary of suggestions to amend this law.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/jpl.v10n4p73
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