Protection of Shareholders Minority in Joint Stock Company Pursuant to Jordan Companies Law

  •  Mohamad Helalat    


The Joint Stock Company has its role in motivating the economical development of the state. In order to fulfill such role, balancing shall be achieved between Majority and Minority rights or at least restricting the majority arbitrariness in terms of decision making. Such arbitrariness means bringing the investors away from investments in such types of companies which shall, indeed, have its negative influence on the national economy.

The laws and Jordanian companies' law in particular, paid specific attention in terms of minority rights protection, and in the same time recognize its existence, its right to participate in decision making and also to practice control over the majority who manage and run the company's affairs.

Indeed, we cannot ignore the fact that Jordanian legislator tried much to correspond between majority and minority rights or at lease protect the minority rights. In spite of such efforts, we still witness more problems that hinder such issue.

From this point this study came to clarify much of such rights, presenting and analyzing thereof in a way that enable the investor to practice in a way to achieve desired interests.

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