The Role of International Law and Observance of Its Regulations on Countries Economic Development

  •  Bahman Akbari    


The significance of poverty consequences in contemporary social system and the role of economic development in consolidating the basis of international peace and security led to conduct a research on factors affecting the establishment of development. The question - on the one hand–is that: what's the role of International law in economic development and -on the other hand- what's the relationship between observance of regulations of international law by governments and their economic development? Based on the theory of the formation of international law mechanisms derived from it must reflect Humanity's collective demands and in concrete manifestation must found norms that ensure and deepen human rights in the International scope. However, since the governments are considered the first and the most important subject of international law, the achievements obtained by international law cannot be apart from the governments actions, so that national sovereignties normativism and observance of regulations of international law- in line with multiple characteristics necessary for achieving economic development- are pivotal factors in the economic development.

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