The Challenges of the Implementation of Paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Judicial System of the Republic of Macedonia
- Emine Zendeli
In the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHRFF). it is guaranteed the right of trial within a reasonable time frame. Since the Republic of Macedonia (R.M)is part of this Convention, it is obliged, to guarantee the right of realizing the rights and obligations of citizens in "reasonable terms." The Ratification of the Convention has made space for the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who consider that with excessive dragging of proceedings are violated the right to trial within a reasonable time and they may initiate a lawsuit in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg. This court has found frequent violations of this right, and due to that has forced the R.M to compensate damage to citizens, who have been violated the right to trial within a reasonable time. In this context, the purpose of effective protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and in order to avoid negative consequences that can be caused to the state, if citizens in a large number address to the ECHR, The R.M has stepped up efforts to increase the efficiency of the courts, and to ensure that the right of citizens is guaranteed by the European Convention.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/jpl.v6n2p193
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