The Tactics of Hearings in the Case of Crimes Against Patrimony

  •  Elena Nechita    
  •  Nicolaie Iancu    


In the investigation of crimes against patrimony, an important role in the investigation methodology is played by the hearings. In general, we refer to three types of hearings, the hearing at the scene of the crime – in order to prepare the search of the crime scene and the subsequent investigation of the offence, a hearing as part of the criminal investigation and the hearing before the court.

Throughout this article we will discuss particularly the forensic tactics of hearings as part of the criminal investigation, referring to the different statuses of the person undergoing the hearing, who may belong to different backgrounds/categories of various legal standings, namely those of: victim - injured party, witness, accused or defendant.

In the first part of the article, we will present the provisions relevant for crimes against patrimony, contained in the Romanian Criminal Code. The Special Part, in the title reserved for the offences of this category, the structure of the title, and also short references to the legal content of each offence.

In the second part of the article, we will show the stages in the preparation of a hearing and the actual stages of hearings in the case of crimes against patrimony. In this sense, we will discuss: the hearing preparation and the conduct of the hearing, as well as the preliminary discussion phase, the phase of free reports and the phase of addressing questions and receiving answers.

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