Climate Change - A Global and National Perspective: The Case of Nigeria

  •  Oluduro Friday    


The effect of climate change is felt everywhere and of concern to all around the world, even as solution is not in sight to it. The consequences have been felt more in some parts of the globe than others. Incidentally, this has weighed more on the under-developed nations of the world than the developed. Climate change is prevalent everywhere in Nigeria from the north where it has aggravated desert encroachment on the savannah belt, to the south where it has engendered ocean surge in the coastal areas, erosion in many other parts. These have resulted in colossal loss of lives and damage to properties. The government has been virtually helpless, or comatose, with an array of legislations which are best described as beautiful charters on the country’s law books. This paper will examine some specific decisions of major conferences on this issue such as the Kyoto Protocol, among others, and see how these have taken care of the interests of these under-developed nations. It will review the roles and contributions of these nations in the scheme of things and critically examine the effectiveness of the proposed adaptation fund. It will conclude with recommendations.

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