Water Resources Management: Alarming Crisis for Egypt
- Randa El Bedawy
Water is one of the most important inputs for economic development and sustainable development; as the demandincreases, so too does the importance of water. The future looks miserable if Egypt does not succeed in formulating
and implementing water resources management approach which can match the limited freshwater supply with the
increasing demand. This study intended to shed the light on the future water status in Egypt based on the current
status of the available water resources, the water demand, the institutional and legislative frameworks of water
management, adding to shed the light on the strategies and policies to rationalize water use and to augment water
supply. This study intended to explore how Egypt will safeguard its water resources in the future, both with respect
to quantity and quality and how it will use these resources in the best way. Recommendations to help overcome
anticipated water challenges and to optimize the available opportunities were provided in this worthwhile study as
knowledge of Egyptian water resource planning is presently very limited and largely undocumented. Hence, the
challenges and opportunities were discussed in order to support the decision-making process concerned with
water resources management as an essential prerequisite for Egypt sustainable development. The future scenarios
that introduce the future challenges, using the available opportunities, were investigated and recommendations to
help overcome the future challenges were presented.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/jms.v4n3p108
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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