Using Metacognitive Questionnaires to Develop Translator Trainees’ Strategic Sub-competence: A Case Study

  •  Nasrin Altuwairesh    


The status quo in higher education around the globe has shifted from teacher-centered approaches to learner-centered ones. Yet, researchers in the field of translation teaching argue that advances made in teaching and learning in other educational areas are not apparent in translation classrooms. Although translator educators embrace learner-centered approaches, more efforts are required to make translation training classrooms more learner-centered. Translator educators must meet this challenging transition if they wish to achieve the goals of 21st-century education. Research in the field of education has shown that metacognition can help learners be in charge of their learning. Thus, this study seeks to develop translation trainees’ strategic sub-competence through the use of metacognitive questionnaires. The results of this study confirm the positive effect of metacognitive questionnaires on the development of translation trainees’ strategic sub-competence. The findings also show an increase in planning and evaluation strategies and a shift from focusing on individual words to paying more attention to the target text.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1923-869X
  • ISSN(Online): 1923-8703
  • Started: 2011
  • Frequency: bimonthly

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Google-based Impact Factor (2021): 1.43

h-index (July 2022): 45

i10-index (July 2022): 283

h5-index (2017-2021): 25

h5-median (2017-2021): 37

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