Studies on Effects of Nutrient Supplements Fortified with Phagostimulants Formulation H1 on Growth and Development of Indoor Reared Antheraea assamensis Helfer (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)

  •  Himangshu Barman    
  •  Rama Rajan    


A phagostimulant formulation H1 was fortified with different combinations of ascorbic acid, proline and Sodium
Cyclamate to study their effect on growth and development of Muga silkworm under indoor rearing. All the
chemicals fortified with formulation H1 had positive effect on body tissue growth of Muga silkworm, the best
fortified combination being ascorbic acid-proline that gave highest average tissue growth of 2.8861 g against the
average tissue growth of 2.55934 g in control. In larval survivability, the fortified nutrient combination ascorbic
acid – proline and ascorbic acid – Na cyclamate had profound effect in all the instars. In respect of cocoon
qualities, measured as cocoon weight, shell weight and silk ratio, all the nutrient combinations with
phagostimulant formulation H1 were high in contrast to control. Leaf extract of Som plant has positive effect if
used in the spray solution as substitute of blank water.

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