Performance of Acid-Tolerant Soybean Promising Lines in Two Planting Seasons
- Heru Kuswantoro
- Syahrul Zen
Phenotypic performance of a genotype is not similar from season to season depends on the environment condition such as amount and time of water availability. Objective of this study was to identify soybean promising lines with high yield on acid soil in two planting seasons. The research was conducted in rainy season 2009 and 2010 at Sitiung Research Station, West Sumatera, Indonesia. The soil of the experimental field is Ultisols with pH (H2O) 4.3, exchangeable-Al 3.92 me/100 g, and Al saturation 56.48%. The experiment was arranged in randomized completely block design with four replications. Result showed that the average of seed yield in RS 2010 was higher than that in RS 2009. Water supply was very important in pod filling period, plant height, filled pod, flowering and maturity days that may lead the seed yield performance. Based on the average of yield in two planting seasons, there were two genotypes having seed yield higher than the highest check variety, i.e. genotypes of SC5P2P3.23.4.1-3-28-3 and SC5P2P3.23.4.1-5. Therefore, these two genotypes are possibly to be released as new acid-tolerant varieties or can be served as new genetic materials for developing acid-tolerant variety.