Effect of Split Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Leaf Color Chart Values in Hybrid Rice (GRH1)
A field trial to determine comparing of yield and yield components of hybrid rice (GRH1) in different application of nitrogen fertilizer, comprising of 2 treatments, nitrogen fertilizer at 100,200 and 300 kg/ha was main plot and spilt application at 3 level: T1=(1/2basal-1/2mid tillering), T2=(1/3basal-1/3mid tillering-1/3panicle initiation) and T3=(1/4basal-1/4 mid tillering-1/4panicle initiation-1/4 flowering) as sub plot. Using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications in rice research institute of Iran-departy of mazandaran (amol) in 2006 cropping season. The results showed that leaf color chart (Lcc) values increased significantly with nitrogen fertilizer. Interesting in comparison to 100 and 200 kg/ha level application of higher N-fertilizer 300 kg/ha showed a positive respond to application of high nitrogen hybrid cultivar. Effect of different split application N-fertilizer was significantly on lcc values the each time.