How Much Am I Selling It for? Approaches and Methods of Patents Valuation in Technology Transfer

  •  Gustavo Da Cruz    
  •  Danilo Jabur    
  •  Franklin Junior    


Patent has assumed a protagonism in the transformation of knowledge and technology to allow some kind of economic exploration. However, researchers have some problems to define the correct value of their patent to sell it to industries or governments. The purpose of this paper is to explore the approaches and methods of patents valuation, especially in technology transfer process between universities-industries. It was made the review and examination cost-based, market-based and income-based approaches and their corresponding methods of patents valuation: Incurred-cost, costing, comparison-based and real options. Patent valuation will be presented to researchers, managers and other actors involved with innovation with the aim of creating at the universities their own valuation model focused on a better technology transfer process within industries, and consequently generate additional profits to the university third mission.

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