Leadership of Presidents of Brazilian Olympic Sport Federations: Comparison between Real and Ideal Perceived Competencies Profiles According to Their Experience

  •  Daiane Freitas    
  •  Maria Carvalho    
  •  Israel Costa    
  •  António Fonseca    


This research aimed at verifying whether there are differences in behavioural self-perception of presidents of the Brazilian Olympic Sport Federations regarding the real and ideal leadership competencies profiles, taking their time of experience in position into account. This study comprised two complementary studies. The sample of the first study included 83 participants who filled out a translated and adapted version of the Managerial Behaviour Instrument. In the second study, ten presidents of the Olympic Sport Federations of Minas Gerais were interviewed and their answers were content analysed; complementary, there were consulted the statutes of their organizations in what concerns to their duties. Overall, the analysis of the results of both studies showed that all presidents perceived themselves as being competent and, in general, they considered the need of some improvements in their leadership competencies. Furthermore, the presidents declared that, over time, some knowledge and competencies have been acquired and developed, allowing them to adjust management practices. In sum, the time of experience seems to play an important role in the self-perception and development of leadership competencies in these Brazilian presidents.

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