Impact of Advergames on Consumer Behaviour: A Study Based on Flow Theory

  •  Alaa hanbazazah    
  •  Pro.Carlton Reeve    
  •  Mohammad Abuljadail    


This study aimed to investigate the impact of advergames on consumer behavior from the perspective of flow theory. The analysis was quantitative, and 482 participants from a university in Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom were recruited using a random sampling technique. A survey questionnaire was designed to collect data, which were analyzed using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences version 23.0 (SPSS). Descriptive statistical analysis using means and standard deviations was performed. A multiple regression test was used to check the relationships between the independent and dependent variables. The study found that factors such as skill activation, challenge, persuasion, interactivity, and flow experience significantly impacted consumer behavior while playing advergames. The study concluded that while designing advergames, these factors of flow theory should be kept in mind to make consumers more susceptible to advertising messages.

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