The Dual Pricing of Destinations: Tourist Perception on Sri Lanka

  •  Kingsley Bernard    
  •  Chamud Sathyapala    
  •  Thusara Wijesuriya    
  •  Sahan Sachintha    
  •  Rajith Dhanushka    


Dual-Pricing of entrance fees to tourist destinations is a sensitive current issue among travelers, industry experts, and policy developers. This practice is mostly observed in the global south countries, to which Sri Lanka belongs. This study focuses on identifying and measuring the factors that influence the willingness-to-pay (WTP) entrance fees by foreign tourists visiting Sri Lanka and to understand their perception of the concept. The findings of this study revealed that income, knowledge, perceived price fairness, and visitor expectations possessed a significant relationship with WTP entrance fees in a dual-pricing context. Excepting knowledge other three variables had a significant impact on WTP. Furthermore, it was revealed that a majority of tourists accepted the dual-pricing policy, subject to certain concerns.

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