Extending the Applications of the ADM1 to Predict Performance of the Induced Bed Reactor (IBR) Co-Digesting Municipal Sludge with Bakery Waste

  •  Morris E Demitry    
  •  Conly Hansen    
  •  David Stevens    
  •  Michael McFarland    


The goal of this research was to examine the stability of the induced bed reactor (IBR) digesting municipal sludge (MS) mixed with bakery waste (BW) by experiment and modeling. It was necessary to modify the Anaerobic Digestion Model number1(ADM1) to accurately predict the performance of the IBR for this mixed waste. The total mixed influent COD was 50 g/L with hydraulic retention times that varied from 27 to 6 days at mesophilic temperatures. The reactor reached the steady state at each HRT with no sign of inhibition or failure, however, the COD removal efficiency of the digester decreased from 92% to 72% with decreasing HRT. The modified ADM1 outputs agreed well with the measured stability indicators (pH, total volatile fatty acid (TVFA), Q (gas production), percent CH4 at the longer retention times of 27, and 20 days. The model overestimated the pH, and methane percentage and underestimated the TVFA when the HRT was shorter (12, 9 and 6 days). However, the model predicted well the trends of the observed data and the overall stability process of the digester until 6 d HRT. This research provided an alternative for the disposal of industrial bakery waste and also pointed out the ability of the IBR to manage high waste loads stably, while providing high energy production.

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