Village Based Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Activities Development in Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities
Government funds which are distributed to village government in Indonesia by Law No. 6 Year 2014 on Village is a national policy alternative to finance development of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities. According to pilot development in several regions on agro-forestry, bio-energy development, green seaweed industry, and restoration of reservoir; they were designed on development plan in the village and regional level which interconnected to national development plan. Adaption and mitigation activities should strengthening community based green social enterprises and engaging inter-village cooperation development programs for starting up or up-scaling green businesses. It managed as activity of social enterprise, so-called Village Organization Owned Enterprise called Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) or Joint Villages Organization Owned Enterprise (BUMDes Bersama), or as the co-operative. The government funds could be blended in such a way with other funds sources (blending finance) for developing adaptation and mitigation of climate change activities.