Risk Management of Construction Projects
- Amer Abdullatef Mahmoud al-Mukahal
This study aims to Analyzing the nature of Construction Projects, Analyzing the Nature of Construction Projects Risk, and Analyzing The mechanism of Risk Management. This Study adopted The Quantitative Method. The Summary Concluded From The Study Lies in the Theoretical Study of construction Project`s Risk. The Construction Project Contains Many Risk Which Related to Different Factors:
Legal, Organizational, Technical, Zoning, Financial, Social and Political Factors. The Process of Management of Construction Projects includes:
Planning of Risk Management, Risk Identification By (Checklist Analysis, Questionnaire, Personal Interview, Brainstorming Technique, Delphi Technique), Risk Analysis By Qualitative Analysis By (Probability and Impact Assessment, Cause and Effect Diagram, Probability and Impact Matrix) and Quantitative Analysis By (Probability Distributions, interviews , Sensitivity Analysis, Fault tree, Events tree, Munte Carlo Simulation), Planning the Response to Risk By (Strategies for Response to Negative Risk , and Strategies to Positive Risks), and Risk Control and Cheek. Depending on The Conclusions, The Study Recommends the Following:
- Process of Assessing The Efficiency of Construction Companies.
- Use Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis in The Process of diagnosis, and Categorization of Risk in the Process of Risk Management.
- Studying Types of Contracts of Construction Projects.
- Full Text:
- DOI:10.5539/emr.v9n1p15
- Cathy TaylorEditorial Assistant
- emr@ccsenet.org